Product Overview

Check ins designed to work how and where your team works.

Fast & Frequent

View trends not snapshots

Traditional pulse surveys are designed to reflect a specific point in time. Swell's check ins are designed to be completed quickly and often, allowing you to gather more data and view trends in your team.

Man looking at score trends over time on mobile phone

Easy Setup

Set it and forget it

With just a few clicks and one of our templates, you will be up and running in no time. You can also have Swell send your surveys on a recurring schedule so you never have to worry about remembering to send surveys again.

Woman looking at computer screen to setup check-in

Makes you Smarter

Leverage AI to analyze results

Use Swell's artifical intelligence (AI) to quickly analyze free response text. Swell helps you see the sentiment behind your team's responses, and can identify important phrases and keywords in their responses.

Woman working at computer looking at AI analyzed results

Filter and Focus

View the data that helps you most

Use filters to see how employee engagement varies by team. Drill in on specific time periods to take a deeper look.

Man looking at laptop with data visualizations

Integrated Solution

Meet your team where they work

Swell is designed to be integrated with your team's communication platform. Stop wondering if an email containing a link to some random survey site even made it into your team members' inboxes.

Integrated with Slack and Microsoft Teams

Add Milestones

Track what matters to you

Keep track of important events in your company to see if they impact employee engagement or sentiment. Add milestones to compare the before and after.

Two women discussing milestones and tracking events

Get a genuine read on your team's frame of mind.

Measure what matters.

Timely Alerts

Timely Alerts

Swell allows you to setup Alerts so you can be notified when responses reach a certain threshold or when there are large changes.

Secure and Anonymous

Secure & Anonymous

Your account has Single Sign On (SSO) by default and all responses are anonymous so your team members can respond honestly to the check ins.

Customized Feedback

Customized Feedback

Ask the questions that are specific to your organization or important to your team. Swell allows you to create your own questions and define how frequently you want to send each check in.

Ready to Get Started?

Start a 14-day free trial. No credit card required.