Employee Feedback, the Effective Way

Measure employee engagement and sentiment directly in Microsoft Teams

Illustration of employees with happy faces

*Credit Card not required to start.

Easy for Your Team

Microsoft Teams Native Surveys

Swell meets your employees directly in their communication platform, so they never have to leave their workflow and context switch. This helps you keep your response rates high.

Check ins are delivered in Teams

Easy for You

Preview Results in Microsoft Teams

When your team completes the check ins, you'll receive a notification in Microsoft Teams to get a quick preview of their responses.

Check in results delivered in Teams

Historical Data at a Glance

Survey Results Compiled and Saved

Swell does the work for you so you can quickly analyze feedback, and spend your time where it matters - working with your team to improve employee engagement.

Pie chart showing Employee NPS score distribution

Track Results Over Time

View Trends, Not Snapshots

Traditional pulse surveys are designed to reflect a specific point in time. Swell's check ins are designed to be completed quickly and often, allowing you to gather more data and view trends in your team.

Line chart showing results over time


Why Swell?

When employees are well, companies do well. Swell's response to traditional, company-centric surveys is a fully-integrated tool which allows leaders to listen lightly and often.

Employees can answer simple survey questions with one click without ever leaving Slack. Swell provides companies with a reliable and repeated measure of employee engagement.

If easily pinpointing employee engagement trends is important to you, give Swell a try.

How much does it cost?

We offer a Basic and a Professional plan.

The Basic plan includes everything you need to get started, and costs $12 per user per month.

The Professional plan includes the features that allow you take your employee engagement initiatives to the next level, and is $20 per user per month. A user is anyone with a Swell account. You can always send your surveys to an unlimited number of your employees.

Learn more on our Pricing page.

Can you help us with survey questions?

Of course! Swell includes some best practices surveys that you can use right off the shelf. You can also author your own survey questions on the Professional plan.